Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New creation..

Today I tackle the studio/office/playroom....It has been quite some time and I am beginning to feel the push of the playroom creeping in on my creative space and the pressures of the office taking over the much needed openness of the studio.  It is definitely not a good feeling when "your space" gets overwhelmed.  So, the dust bunnies have been eradicated, the toys are in their "place", and the office will soon be brought back to reality.

 I would sincerely like an entire new look for my work space.  You know, the kind of look from the Martha Stewart magazines where the threads are color coordinated and each piece of material has a perfect spot.  Well, as a good neighbor of mine once said, "We LIVE in our house.".  That is something this family definitely does.  However, one thing that I would like to do above all is at least have the items that I have made displayed for me to see so I can practically go over them and see what additions or changes might be made.  It is a creative process and with out seeing where you have been and where you would like to be, it can be just impossible to get anywhere! So, today I start that little desire with a trip to the Dollar Store to at least get more pants hangers to hang up the skirts in an orderly fashion.  Small beginnings lead to big steps...

So, onward...my your day be filled with more sunshine and less dust bunnies..                                            

- Blessings

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