Sunday, March 18, 2012

Goal, Dream, Accomplished

So, I normally don't blog twice in a day...I know...this is some Crazy Stuff!!  I had to share that I finished one of my goals.  I didn't make all the things I needed too, but I was able to read all 26 of my Etsy Blogs that I had been saving and I actually learned some things from them!  It is a very good thing I read them. Having the business can be so overwhelming, so having a support team is really great.  I appreciate having the blogs and articles and tips available so I can just "click" and find new perspectives.  Speaking of new perspectives....

I had a dream two nights ago about swallows and washing my hair.  Yes, an odd combination, but, none the less, I had a dream about them.  So, after I woke up, and I felt rather perplexed, I decided to look up what the symbols might mean.  I was really hoping it didn't just mean "fly away" and "your hair is dirty".  I mean, if it bothered me, it had to mean something more than that.  Well, it turns out that when you dream of a swallow (and there were two in the dream) it symbolized that you are close to being "home".  Which is big for me considering I have moved over nine times in eight years.  Then, the washing of the hair means "you are changing your way of thinking".  Which is great for me considering I have felt like I have been in a funk with the whole thought process thing!  So, it looks as though I am homing in on my thought process and I should be feeling more at home or something along those lines.  It was an encouraging idea for me to think differently and feel "homey".  I could use that now-a-days.  So, on that note, good night. Goals have been accomplished, dreams have been interpreted, and maybe tonight, I will have more interesting dreams and goals thought up with my new perspective!  We shall see..

- Have a good sleep, or a good day, where ever you may be....

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