Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Life sometimes dishes out lemons.  Today was a bit of a lemon day.  You see, my good friend from Oregon flew all the way out here to see me and visit for a day and a half.  Unbeknownst to us, a flu bug also decided to make a stop at the house and infected my husband and child!  So, our reunion turned out to be a quick hello, a breakfast outside and me taking her to her next destination much earlier than desired.  Lemon Day.

The wonderful thing though was that we got to talk.  I think because we knew we were under pressure, we were able to talk about the most meaningful things.  It was nice getting down to it.  I will however miss the time we could have spent.

On another positive note, my sick family was so great.  My daughter was so well behaved and never complained. My husband did what he could (which was not much because of his sickness) and helped out a bit.  They really gave me space, even when at their worst.  My family is a blessing and my heart would not be whole without them.

So, after a crazy day of driving, healing and a whole lot of cleaning, I am going to take a much needed shower to not only cleanse the "sickies" off, but also to cleanse my head for a new start tomorrow.  Be well and I wish you all good, if not great, health.


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