Yesterday was so fun...we played quite a few board games with our little one! I forgot how completely engaging a board game can be. Candy Land, Operation (Star Wars style), Dominos to name a few. It really takes you to another part of your brain that isn't used as often as it should be. Lately, a group of us have been playing Texas Hold 'Em on Saturday nights. That is very fun, but the innocence of a board game, when you aren't especially playing for anything and where it is a game just to have a game, makes it all the more exciting. For instance, when you get the Ice Cream Princess card in Candy Land and you zip your little green man all the way up to the top of the board, you can't help but say, "YESSSS!". To a child, (and to me) that is so thrilling!
Today it is supposed to rain, sleet and snow...I think it will definitely be another game day. Chutes and Ladders anyone?
-Blessings on your day
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
It is complete...
It is finished!! The skirt that has been sitting, waiting, and wondering why I wouldn't finish it is finally complete! I feel as though I should give a mighty laugh right about now! So, I thought it would be interesting to see a tiny bit of the progress that goes into the skirt..I do wish I had taken more photos, but my mind was completely focused on the sewing...
I am very pleased, however, how it turned out..Now I am on to a long skirt using some vintage polyester that I managed to come across! It shall be a sophisticated, but very groovy endeavor! So, as far as goals go...I am 11 skirts down from 30...Only 19 more to go! Can't wait to see what comes next...
There are more pictures of this skirt on
Enjoy what is left of the day!
I am very pleased, however, how it turned out..Now I am on to a long skirt using some vintage polyester that I managed to come across! It shall be a sophisticated, but very groovy endeavor! So, as far as goals go...I am 11 skirts down from 30...Only 19 more to go! Can't wait to see what comes next...
There are more pictures of this skirt on
Enjoy what is left of the day!
Monday, February 27, 2012
There is no try...
Today my, "I am going to revamp my shop and get everything done that I need to get done" plan goes into play. Perhaps I should shorten the title a bit. Anyway, I have this crazy goal of having 500 items in my Etsy shop, new pictures for each thing, read each and every blog Etsy puts out, have at least 30 handmade skirts done and become a full time vendor at craft shows. No pressure...right? Yes. It is a lofty set of goals, but the plan will go into action. I will succeed! I will become a business person right here in my home! I will try... or as Yoda says, "There is no try. There is only Do, or Do Not." He is so wise..
So, now the plans get put into action and I step out of my comfort zone...updates to follow...
So, now the plans get put into action and I step out of my comfort zone...updates to follow...

Sunday, February 26, 2012
get to it
It is a gorgeous morning here in Pennsylvania. It is cold and crisp, but the skies are clear and the sun is shining. It makes you feel inspired when you wake up. As if today will be a good day and there are possibilities. Yes, good stuff...
So, last night I had dreams all about schools. Yes, schools. They weren't the dreams about missing my class or anything. They were, however, dreams about sitting in class and being frustrated that the teacher never got to the point about the lesson. There were distractions abound and the student body was more worried about putting up banners and events then they were about the actual learning system. By the end of the dream, I sat in a truck in frustration and didn't know what to do.
When I woke up, I had to contemplate what this meant and as much as I would like to have "deep thoughts" about this, I think it is pretty in my face. In so many things, I think we just need to get to the point. Not worry about all the frills, but just get done what needs to be done. For instance, I have been thinking of sewing for a week now. I say, "I'll get to it" or "tomorrow", but it never gets done. Then it builds up and up in my brain and it turns into a guilt trip and so on. So, I sit in frustration, not knowing what to do. So, right NOW, I am getting up and sewing. No more putting it off....What do you have to do?
-Blessings on your day
So, last night I had dreams all about schools. Yes, schools. They weren't the dreams about missing my class or anything. They were, however, dreams about sitting in class and being frustrated that the teacher never got to the point about the lesson. There were distractions abound and the student body was more worried about putting up banners and events then they were about the actual learning system. By the end of the dream, I sat in a truck in frustration and didn't know what to do.
When I woke up, I had to contemplate what this meant and as much as I would like to have "deep thoughts" about this, I think it is pretty in my face. In so many things, I think we just need to get to the point. Not worry about all the frills, but just get done what needs to be done. For instance, I have been thinking of sewing for a week now. I say, "I'll get to it" or "tomorrow", but it never gets done. Then it builds up and up in my brain and it turns into a guilt trip and so on. So, I sit in frustration, not knowing what to do. So, right NOW, I am getting up and sewing. No more putting it off....What do you have to do?
-Blessings on your day
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Today the wind is howling and the snow is blowing...I can only hope that the daffodils that decided to make an early appearance don't get too frozen! I don't feel too worried though, Mother Nature has an amazing way of taking care of herself sometimes.
Although this is a reminder that Old Man Winter is hanging around, I feel so happy to report that the lettuce seeds we planted in the peat pots and alive and doing well. Tiny sprouts are reaching up and out and, even though there is snow and wind outside, they are a tender reminder to me that Spring will be here soon. I can not wait to put my hands in the soil and begin to till in the compost. I am so looking forward to seeing growth and life. Most of all, I can't wait to be able to teach my family about how to care for something small and vulnerable so that it can grow and give back to us.
I am sure you can see where this is going...caring for the weak, so they can grow. A simple idea. A simple lesson. Maybe if we cared for those that are smaller than us, that are weaker, we would be able to reap the harvest of what they can produce. We will never know if we don't do it though. Maybe a little excitement about getting your hands dirty, about working the soil and planting a seed is what we all need. This definitely suits me better than yelling, hurting, ignoring, wasting and all those other wonderful verbs that don't have to coincide with living things. Just a thought, just an action, really.
So, grab some lettuce seeds, or peas, or whatever you would like to plant and do it. Then, put them in the soil and watch the miracle of what caring for something can do. You will be very glad you did.
Although this is a reminder that Old Man Winter is hanging around, I feel so happy to report that the lettuce seeds we planted in the peat pots and alive and doing well. Tiny sprouts are reaching up and out and, even though there is snow and wind outside, they are a tender reminder to me that Spring will be here soon. I can not wait to put my hands in the soil and begin to till in the compost. I am so looking forward to seeing growth and life. Most of all, I can't wait to be able to teach my family about how to care for something small and vulnerable so that it can grow and give back to us.
I am sure you can see where this is going...caring for the weak, so they can grow. A simple idea. A simple lesson. Maybe if we cared for those that are smaller than us, that are weaker, we would be able to reap the harvest of what they can produce. We will never know if we don't do it though. Maybe a little excitement about getting your hands dirty, about working the soil and planting a seed is what we all need. This definitely suits me better than yelling, hurting, ignoring, wasting and all those other wonderful verbs that don't have to coincide with living things. Just a thought, just an action, really.
So, grab some lettuce seeds, or peas, or whatever you would like to plant and do it. Then, put them in the soil and watch the miracle of what caring for something can do. You will be very glad you did.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Today I am feeling the creative juices flowing. Ready to tackle some new projects, and finish some projects that have been sitting entirely too long. Where does this energy and inspiration come from you ask? First, I think a good night's rest. Second, a creative wind that blew in this morning. Third, I think from the 50/50 coffee that I made for myself to get a jump start. It is amazing what you can do when you are awake! So there we are. Starting a Friday morning with some zest, and hoping it lasts past 10am....if it doesn't...then the coffee maker is downstairs, loaded and ready for action... ;)
May your Friday be full of life, excitement, and a little pick me up - Blessings
May your Friday be full of life, excitement, and a little pick me up - Blessings
Thursday, February 23, 2012
So today had a great beginning! Fresh Zucchini bread for breakfast, sunny morning, great mild temps and, to top it all off, I had a sale on my shop! Yesterday I was feeling quite discouraged because the shop had been so slow, but today my confidence is building. There is one thing though, I don't think this is all chance. You see, in my family we celebrate Easter and the Lenten Season. So, last night, as I laid in bed, I was contemplating what to give up for the lenten season. I had come to the conclusion that I would give up meat until Easter and I was quite pleased with that. I could clear my system, take a break and explore some different kinds of foods. Then I thought about clearing my system...and that lead to thinking that I have another system to clear. Another part of me to clear. So, as I laid there, I prayed and I said that I was going to give up "getting in the way of myself". Last night I read in the book of Matthew that "worry does not add one minute to your life" (I am paraphrasing). You know, Matthew is right..and most of the time, all my worry is caused by my "getting in the way of myself". The worry is caused by not letting go. I fail to see that the universe is not controlled by me or my actions. There is a stronger, higher and mightier force than I could ever imagine. So, with that in mind, after a little thinking and a lot of praying, the conclusion I have drawn for the lenten season is this...
I will definitely give up meat. Until Easter, not a problem. Frankly, it is the least I could do. But for the rest of my life, even if it is just in the slightest way, I will give up the worry. I will give up the road block called myself. I will let go. Hey, if you know that there is someone there to help, you take it, right?
Well, there it is. A thought for the worries...
I will definitely give up meat. Until Easter, not a problem. Frankly, it is the least I could do. But for the rest of my life, even if it is just in the slightest way, I will give up the worry. I will give up the road block called myself. I will let go. Hey, if you know that there is someone there to help, you take it, right?
Well, there it is. A thought for the worries...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The end of February is approaching and I have learned something about having an internet shop....
After owning consignment shops long ago and being in retail before that, I used to LOVE talking to people and being able to help them. Now, I still am able to do that in my Etsy shop ( (Shameless plug)... and I have to say it is still thrilling to talk to people and to interact on the world wide web, but I sincerely miss the person in front of you connection. Don't get me wrong, having an online shop allows me to stay home and be with my child. It also gets the creative juices flowing because you really have to put in 100% in order to make a sale or a customer connection. However, there will never be anything like seeing the excitement in someone's face when they find a special treasure. There is nothing like watching a person smile after making a purchase that they are so happy about.
One great thing about having this shop on Etsy, is they allow the sellers and buyers to give feedback. For instance, this morning I woke up and wondered if I had any sales, so I get on the computer and there were no sales, but a customer who bought a purse from me left a very positive feedback and it made my morning!
So, I guess in the end, it is what it is, isn't it? In a physical shop with a door, you get your neighbors and local community. But with the web, I suppose you get, well, the world!
After owning consignment shops long ago and being in retail before that, I used to LOVE talking to people and being able to help them. Now, I still am able to do that in my Etsy shop ( (Shameless plug)... and I have to say it is still thrilling to talk to people and to interact on the world wide web, but I sincerely miss the person in front of you connection. Don't get me wrong, having an online shop allows me to stay home and be with my child. It also gets the creative juices flowing because you really have to put in 100% in order to make a sale or a customer connection. However, there will never be anything like seeing the excitement in someone's face when they find a special treasure. There is nothing like watching a person smile after making a purchase that they are so happy about.
One great thing about having this shop on Etsy, is they allow the sellers and buyers to give feedback. For instance, this morning I woke up and wondered if I had any sales, so I get on the computer and there were no sales, but a customer who bought a purse from me left a very positive feedback and it made my morning!
So, I guess in the end, it is what it is, isn't it? In a physical shop with a door, you get your neighbors and local community. But with the web, I suppose you get, well, the world!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
So last night was weird.... I had this crazy dream that I was trying to do all the things I used to do when I was 20 or know, riding in a car for no reason, hanging out with my brother and his friends while drinking, getting a piercing or two...just crazy stuff. So, as I am going along reliving my glory days, a character in the dream asks me exactly how old I am...and knowing that I am lying I say, "Uh, thirty?". Well, the character says, "Huh, wow, that IS old, I am only 20." With that my eyes opened enough to wake me up and I laid there in bed thinking, "Wow, am I really not into drinking all night and body piercings and riding in cars for no purpose anymore?". It actually took me a while to go back to sleep after pondering these things.
So, I can tell you that I am well past 30, and I am nearing the big 4-0. I can also tell you that I have no desire to stick any kind of metal bars through my skin anymore, and drinking all night is no longer an option. However, I do still love a ride in a car for no reason. So, maybe it isn't so much that I am getting OLD...I think it is more that this is a new stage. The 20's and 30's were so fun, don't get me wrong, but now, I am ready for the more relaxed, not so body mutilating stage of my life. So with that in mind, maybe this weekend I will take a drive for no reason....just to feel the freedom because I can.
So, I can tell you that I am well past 30, and I am nearing the big 4-0. I can also tell you that I have no desire to stick any kind of metal bars through my skin anymore, and drinking all night is no longer an option. However, I do still love a ride in a car for no reason. So, maybe it isn't so much that I am getting OLD...I think it is more that this is a new stage. The 20's and 30's were so fun, don't get me wrong, but now, I am ready for the more relaxed, not so body mutilating stage of my life. So with that in mind, maybe this weekend I will take a drive for no reason....just to feel the freedom because I can.
Monday, February 20, 2012
New week, new day, new morning! I was feeling a bit discouraged last night because I didn't think I was capable of having a little shop is amazing how easily we put ourselves down! It only takes one bad thought and "it is all over"...But no, I did some thinking, or meditation, in my favorite place...the bathroom. Don't get me wrong - I run the shower for a little bit and sit for a while and think. I just like the sound of the water and the steam. Anyway, I realized that in order to have a successful run, in order to have any kind of meaning for this little adventure, in order to find any kind of strength through this experience, I have to have Faith. Ah, yes, that scary word Faith. I know there are some that say, "Bah, Faith is just superstition.", or "What a folly", or even perhaps, "I've tried Faith to no avail". Well, then I say this to you..I need Faith. I need to believe that there is a greater force helping me and that if I believe enough, those things that seem impossible to me will happen. Through my Faith, I can believe in the impossible.
So, as I am sitting in the bathroom, with the sound of the water and the steam rising, I realized...don't worry so much..have a little Faith..let it happen...So, today, I will. I will let things flow. I will put the care of this little idea in other hands and I will let go. You never know..right?
Oh, and I woke up today, and had a sale...I had a little Faith it might work out. ;)
Many blessings -
So, as I am sitting in the bathroom, with the sound of the water and the steam rising, I realized...don't worry so much..have a little Faith..let it happen...So, today, I will. I will let things flow. I will put the care of this little idea in other hands and I will let go. You never know..right?
Oh, and I woke up today, and had a sale...I had a little Faith it might work out. ;)
Many blessings -
Sunday, February 19, 2012
So today begins the experience of a Mom working from home. Last night was kids and sickness, husband on call at 6am and a knot in my neck so severe I can't move! Not to complain....So now that that is off my chest time to Move On! :)
The day is bright and I have vintage goodies galore! The natural sunlight is perfect for new pictures. I am poised and ready to snap some pictures with my $1 garage sale camera! Ah, you have to love a bargain...
Also, wondering how to get pictures on the a little research is in order...But, before all that fun and business, the most important thing in the world....
Taking care of a little one who had a rough night. Yes, a Mother's work is never done!
Many blessings on this beautiful Sunday!
The day is bright and I have vintage goodies galore! The natural sunlight is perfect for new pictures. I am poised and ready to snap some pictures with my $1 garage sale camera! Ah, you have to love a bargain...
Also, wondering how to get pictures on the a little research is in order...But, before all that fun and business, the most important thing in the world....
Taking care of a little one who had a rough night. Yes, a Mother's work is never done!
Many blessings on this beautiful Sunday!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
So another day brings a new adventure! Blogging is a new and exciting resource here in the Price house! Considering we went with out any type of computer or cable for four years when we were first married, this is quite a step. Recently, I have been traveling down the road of online business, and that is a whole new world. I had owned consignment shops in the past and now I feel as though I am going from tangible items that gave you a vibe to visual and descriptive items that you really have to use your imagination. It has been a challenge, but I usually am up for one.
So here it it. My first blog ever. I wonder where it will go.....and where it will take me?
Always movin' -
So here it it. My first blog ever. I wonder where it will go.....and where it will take me?
Always movin' -
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