Friday, April 13, 2012

Twists and Turns

It is amazing how life can give you one road and then, at a drop of a hat, put you on another.  For weeks now I have been writing about my preparations for a big vending event.  I had put up a challenge to make 50 skirts before the week's end.  I did manage to make 25!  But, as life has it, a twist has presented itself.  We have had a loss in our family.  My cousin's father has passed from a very long battle with cancer.  His Dad was my Uncle at one time and, as a child. I grew up with him.  But, as life gives it's different paths, he and my Aunt set on different roads.  I hadn't seen him in many years, but then my cousin met a wonderful woman, married and had three beautiful children and I began to see my ex-Uncle at birthday parties and special events.   A bit of a reconnection I suppose.  So, with his passing this week, I find it imperative that I am there to support my cousin in his grief and to honor the memories I have of his father.

I suppose we can set our sights on all sorts of things that we think are going to work out.  We can plan and make provisions and sew until we don't think we can pull another thread, but that doesn't mean life is going to cooperate.  The plans of mice and men seem to come to mind.  However, there is one thing that we can do with these unexpected twists and turns.  We can own them.  We can make them ours and find the road that goes with them.  Not everything is going to be OK or fine or how we want it to go.  However, everything has a purpose, a reason and a path.  

So, with that, I hope you have a blessed weekend, I hope you enjoy your family and friends and I hope, most of all, that you don't make plans for life, but you allow life to do a little planning for you.


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